2024 has been wild so far, started with a heartbreak and 7 months down the line,I live with a grateful heart having manifested all my 2024 desires within the first 6 months.
First, I manifested a solo trip to Goa, yup, all solo and relaxing!
Second, I manifested a beautiful 1 bhk flat for myself in Gurgaon
Third, I manifested a trip to Fairmont, Jaipur with my closest friend
Fourth, I manifested connections that check all my non-negotiables and pour into me equally!
So how did I manage to manifest so fast?
One rule, I asked and the Universe delivered, I didn't stay attached to how it would happen, when it would happen or who would make it happen and guess what, the opportunities to align the manifestations or desires started flowing from multiple sources, like freelance projects, consultant roles with high packages, international clients, students for my courses, the magic of universe delivering my wishes has been epic. And it started with one step - I kept walking away from situations which didn't feel right for my soul, which wasn't adding value to my peace and which didn't see my value. This also led to the connection that makes me feel cherished and blessed. I also stopped hesitating from spending on myself as that kept the money flow stagnant, the more I pampered myself or poured for those who needed it- strays/poor, god matched the abundance I deserved 10x.
Apart from that, I worked on mindset shift with my 90 days journaling strategy, mindset shift healing and tarot guidance whenever needed to know I am aligned with my path.
Do you want to start manifesting just as fast for yourself too?
If yes, email me or contact me right away, let us make it happen for you too!
Love and Light,